Clear Springs FFA
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Small Animal Management

1st & 3rd Period

This course is designed to prepare students in the field of small animal management. It will provide students the skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations in veterinary and other careers related to small animals. Students will develop knowledge and skills pertaining to animal ownership, industry hazards, current topics associated with animal rights/welfare, management and career opportunities. Suggested small animals which may be included in the course of study include, but are not limited to small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, avian, dogs and cats.  Students will be handling live animals in this class. 

There will be no late work accepted for full credit unless it is turned in within the late work grading period guidelines. Makeup work is available to all students. The numbers of classes (class periods) allowed for makeup work to be completed for full credit will be equal to the number of times class was missed. Students will receive 75% of the original grade for assignments that are received up to two class days following the established date. Late work received on the third class day will receive no credit (zero). Students are responsible for asking for the makeup work upon returning to class. Any assignment not turned in within the allotted time falls within the late work guideline.

The following is the grading policy for Small Animal Management:

Reading Grade:             5%

Daily & Quiz Grades:    50%

Major/Test Grades:      45%

                 Total:       100%

First 9 Weeks Average:        40%

Second 9 Weeks Average:    40%

Comprehensive Final:           20%

                            Total:    100%

Class participation includes being active participant in classroom lecture, discussion, and activities. Daily grades include worksheets, handouts, hands on activities and other assigned material/work. Test will consist of both oral and written test.

There is a course fee of $10.00 which covers consumable supplies that will be used throughout the course. 



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